Momotor is a tool for automated processing of digital content. Momotor accepts digital content as a product bundle and generates a result bundle from this product under control of a recipe bundle. Momotor is like a continuous integration system, but broader in scope. The type of content that Momotor can process is not restricted; each recipe may impose its own constraints. One application of Momotor in an educational setting is the automatic generation of feedback on work submitted for programming assignments.
The Momotor LTI Tool Provider is a web-based client integrating Momotor with Learning Management Systems (LMS). Right now, the Canvas LMS is the only supported LMS.
Teachers use the LTI Tool Provider to configure the LMS assignments to be processed by Momotor by providing a recipe. Once a recipe for an assignment has been provided, the LTI Tool Provider will convert each submission for that assignment into a Momotor product and pass these on to the engine for evaluation. Once Momotor Engine has produced a result it will be saved in the database of the LTI Tool Provider for teachers and students to review the result.
The Momotor Engine is the core of Momotor. It is a service that listens for connections from authorized clients and processes the products provided by the clients using a recipe, which is also provided by the client. Additionally recipes can contain test-cases to test the correctness of the recipe itself.
Momotor includes a simple command line client to communicate with the engine, for example for testing a recipe. A more sophisticated client like the Momotor LTI Tool Provider is needed for general use. Other tools can communicate with Momotor Engine by implementing the required API.
Momotor was created at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) Department of Mathematics & Computer Science. It combines over 20 years of experience with automated evaluation of student assignments. The Momotor Engine was originally created as a replacement to the evaluation backend used in our peach³ learning environment. When the university switched to Canvas as the official LMS, the Momotor LTI Tool Provider was created to integrate Momotor with Canvas.