Task ID

Methods to handle task id’s

class momotor.options.task_id.StepTaskId(step_id, task_number)

A step-id and task-number pair

step_id: str
task_number: Optional[tuple[int, ...]]
momotor.options.task_id.apply_task_number(depend_id, task_id)

Replace $ references in dependency strings with their value from the task_id parameter, e.g. $0 in depend_id will be replaced with task_id.task_number[0]

  • depend_id (str) – the dependency string

  • task_id (StepTaskId) – the task id to use for the replacement

Return type:



the dependency string with the references replaced

Simple arithmetic on the values can be done, available operators are +, -, *, / and %, for the usual operations add, subtract, multiply, integer division and modulo. Arithmetic operations are evaluated from left to right, there is no operator precedence.

When subtraction results in a negative value or division in infinity, this will not directly throw an exception, but instead will generate an invalid task-id containing #NEG or #INF.

Special value $@ will be replaced with the full task number. To include a literal $ use \$. To prevent a character between two $ placeholders from being interpreted as an arithmetic operation, use a backslash before the character. See the examples below.

Raises InvalidDependencies if depend_id contains invalid references or is syntactically incorrect.


>>> tid = StepTaskId('step', (4, 5, 6))
>>> apply_task_number('test', tid)

Basic usage

>>> apply_task_number('test.$0', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test-$0.$1', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test$1_$2', tid)


>>> apply_task_number('test.$0-5.$1-5.$2-5', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test.$0+1.$1+1.$2+1', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test.$0*2.$1*2.$2*2', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test.$0/2.$1/2.$2/2', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test.$0%2.$1%2.$2%2', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test.$0*2+1.$1*2+1.$2*2+1', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test.$0+1*2.$1+1*2.$2+1*2', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test.$0+$1+$2', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test.$1/0', tid)

The $@ placeholder

>>> apply_task_number('test.$@', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test-$@tail', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test-$@-tail', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test-$@.tail', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test-$@999', tid)

Escaping $ and operators

>>> apply_task_number('test-\$0', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test.$0\-$1', tid)

Invalid references

>>> apply_task_number('test.$9', tid)
Traceback (most recent call last):
momotor.options.exception.InvalidDependencies: Task 'step.4.5.6' has invalid dependency 'test.$9'

Other special cases

>>> apply_task_number('test-$X', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test.$1$2', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test.$1^4', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test.$0text.$1', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test.$0.text.$1', tid)
>>> apply_task_number('test.$0.999.$1', tid)

Convert an iterable of StepTaskId objects into a lookup table to convert a string representation of a task-id to the StepTaskId

>>> get_task_id_lookup({StepTaskId('step', (0, 0))})
{'step.0.0': StepTaskId(step_id='step', task_number=(0, 0))}

task_ids (Iterable[StepTaskId]) – the task ids to convert

Return type:

dict[str, StepTaskId]


the lookup table

momotor.options.task_id.iter_task_ids(step_id, sub_tasks)

Generate all the task-ids for the subtasks.

>>> list(str(t) for t in iter_task_ids('step', tuple()))
>>> list(str(t) for t in iter_task_ids('step', (2,)))
['step.0', 'step.1']
>>> list(str(t) for t in iter_task_ids('step', (2, 2)))
['step.0.0', 'step.0.1', 'step.1.0', 'step.1.1']
  • step_id (str) – the id of the step

  • sub_tasks (tuple[int, ...]) – sequence of integers with the number of sub-tasks for each level

Return type:

Generator[StepTaskId, None, None]


the task numbers


Generate all the task-numbers for the subtasks.

>>> list(iter_task_numbers(tuple()))
>>> list(iter_task_numbers((1,)))
>>> list(iter_task_numbers((3,)))
[(0,), (1,), (2,)]
>>> list(iter_task_numbers((2, 2)))
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]
>>> list(iter_task_numbers((2, 3)))
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)]

sub_tasks (tuple[int, ...]) – sequence of integers with the number of sub-tasks for each level

Return type:

Generator[Optional[tuple[int, ...]], None, None]


the task numbers


Convert a task number (tuple of ints) into a task id (dotted string)

Return type:


>>> task_id_from_number(None)
>>> task_id_from_number((1,))
>>> task_id_from_number((1, 2,))
>>> task_id_from_number((1, 2, 3,))

Convert a task_id string into a task number

Return type:

Optional[tuple[int, ...]]

>>> task_number_from_id('') is None
>>> task_number_from_id('1')
>>> task_number_from_id('1.2')
(1, 2)
>>> task_number_from_id('1.2.3')
(1, 2, 3)