============= Release notes ============= Release notes have been published since the 2017.11 release. These notes contain the most important changes and fixes visible to end-users. --------------- Release 2023.7 --------------- Released July 10, 2023 * Major upgrade to UI component libraries, changing the look and feel of the app * Upgraded to latest LTS Django version * Internal optimizations and bug fixes --------------- Release 2023.4 --------------- Released April 24, 2023 * Added a result print view * Added :ref:`PDF export feature ` (`#268 `_) * Assignment results are now published/unpublished from the assignment configuration screen (`#298 `_) * Limit maximum upload size of recipe and config bundles, with option to extend this limit per assignment (`#300 `_) * Better handling of Canvas LTI launch errors (`#304 `_, `#305 `_) * Detect Firefox and Safari's partitioned local storage (`#306 `_) * Internal optimizations and bug fixes --------------- Release 2023.1 --------------- Released January 27, 2023 * Small restyling: Momotor now has a logo which is used in several places in the UI * Changed link to submission files on a result overview page to fetch the current url from Canvas (Fixes issue `#277 `_) * Better handling of errors during LTI launch and when fetching data from the internal API * Updated external dependencies * Internal optimizations and bug fixes --------------- Release 2022.8 --------------- Released August 15, 2022 * Momotor always had a feature to produce multiple scores for a submission: a *reviewer* and a *learner* score. The *reviewer* scores were only shown to reviewers, and *learner* scores were only shown to learners. This release extends the score view for reviewers to also show the *learner* score if available. * Updated external dependencies * Internal optimizations and bug fixes --------------- Release 2022.1 --------------- Released January 28, 2022 * Updated to support new outcome and properties in Momotor results * Internal optimizations and bug fixes --------------- Release 2021.11 --------------- Released November 5, 2021 * Updated Canvas API token handling. Before, if the app had to request a new API token from Canvas it would not delete the existing token from Canvas. This resulted in multiple "Momotor" API tokens listed in the Canvas user settings. It is safe to `delete old "Momotor" tokens `_ in the Canvas settings to clean this up. * Correctly handle the end-at dates for Canvas enrollment terms. Courses will now correctly be read-only in Momotor when they are read-only in Canvas * Updated external dependencies * Internal optimizations and bug fixes --------------- Release 2021.8 --------------- Released August 3, 2021 * Handle Canvas API errors when retrieving submission attachments * Added a :ref:`deprecation warning ` for LTI 1.0 integrations * Updated external dependencies * Internal optimizations and bug fixes --------------- Release 2021.4 --------------- Released April 12, 2021 * Added a header bar with course title when the page is opened in a new tab * Changed the submission attempt dropdown, it now dynamically fetches the data when opened and shows the state of each attempt * Provide submission priority to Momotor engine. Re-evaluations have lower priority than "live" submissions * Remove new Canvas file name mangling type using an UUID * Support new property `hidden` in Momotor result steps to hide a step (like `secret`, but for all users) * Fixed display issues on smaller window widths * Updated Canvas API usage. Fetching submissions for assignments from Canvas should now be faster * Internal optimizations and bug fixes --------------- Release 2021.1 --------------- Released January 21, 2021 * Added support for users with both Course Designer and Teaching Assistant :ref:`roles ` * Added a :ref:`refresh button ` to the assignment view for managers Clicking it will trigger an update of the assignment data and fetch the latest submissions. This is useful for cases where the assignment was changed on Canvas recently and Momotor hasn't picked up these changes yet * Added support for `LTI 1.3 / LTI Advantage `_ * Updated external dependencies * Internal optimizations and bug fixes --------------- Release 2020.10 --------------- Released October 27, 2020 * Added support for `Canvas Developer Key scopes `_ * Updated external dependencies * Internal optimizations and bug fixes --------------- Release 2020.8 --------------- Released August 17, 2020 * Added link to submission files from result page * Added support for URL and text-entry submission types. This requires specialized Momotor recipes to process these type of submissions * Added option for the administrator to archive courses. Archived courses are read-only. * Updated external dependencies * Internal optimizations and bug fixes --------------- Release 2020.4 --------------- Released April 6, 2020 * Removed interface for the now defunct generation 1 Momotor server * Updated external dependencies * Internal optimizations and bug fixes --------------- Release 2020.1 --------------- Released January 17, 2020 * New features for administrator interface * :ref:`api` documentation extended * Updated external dependencies * Internal optimizations --------------- Release 2019.11 --------------- Released November 4, 2019 * Dropped Internet Explorer support, since Canvas does not support it anymore * Documented the :ref:`api`. * Extended various API points to make them useful for external tools * Added :ref:`api_keys` to provide external tools programmatically access to the stored results and other data. API keys need to be configured by the system administrator. * Fixed visual issue with progress bars going backwards sometimes * Updated external dependencies * Internal optimizations --------------- Release 2019.8 --------------- Released on August 15, 2019 * Updated external dependencies * Internal optimizations --------------- Release 2019.4 --------------- Released on April 15, 2019 * Updated external dependencies * Internal optimizations --------------- Release 2019.1 --------------- Released on January 29, 2019 * Implemented interface to the new Momotor engine * Updated external dependencies * Internal optimizations * Documented browser compatibility --------------- Release 2018.11 --------------- Released on November 1, 2018 * :ref:`CSV export ` now includes submission timestamps * Updated external dependencies * Internal optimizations -------------- Release 2018.8 -------------- Released on August 20, 2018 * Updated external dependencies * Internal optimizations Fixes ----- * Better browser compatibility (most notably IE11) -------------- Release 2018.4 -------------- Released on April 17, 2018 New features ------------ * Teachers and assistants can now review the results of earlier attempts. See :ref:`detail_view` * A column has been added to the result overview for teachers and assistants. The type of data in this column can be chosen, it can show the number of attempts, time of submission, or time when processing the submission finished. See :ref:`review` * A summary has been added to the result overview, showing the total number of results in the view, number of passed and failed submissions and number submissions in intermediate states like processing and queued. See :ref:`review` * A new reevaluation processing mode has been added: 'Re-evaluate submissions processed with older recipe or config'. See :ref:`processing` Fixes ----- * Fixed issues with non-latest Firefox browser * Stability and efficiency fixes -------------- Release 2018.1 -------------- Released on January 23, 2018 New features ------------ * Results, including scores, can be uploaded to Canvas. See :ref:`upload_scores` * Selected section and sorting order are now remembered between sessions. * Result detail view now has more information about the status of the submission. The status is now also updated in real-time. Fixes ----- * Client-side UI updated to latest libraries, various small UI tweaks and issues fixed * User selection has been re-enabled in the result detail view. --------------- Release 2017.11 --------------- Released on November 6, 2017 New features ------------ * Added support for `Canvas sections `_. When a course uses sections, the :ref:`results overview ` can now be filtered on those selections. A reviewer can only see the results in the sections they are authenticated for. * When a Momotor recipe has an internal failure (eg. an exception in one of the steps), this is now indicated on the :ref:`results overview ` and result detail pages. This information is only shown to reviewers. Fixes ----- * Filename suffix removal removed too much in very specific cases * Submission files with non-ASCII characters were not correctly handled * There were some issues with the processing of submissions when there were jobs queued when a new recipe was uploaded, or a re-evaluation was requested * Results with extremely large reports would fail due to the XML parser rejecting large XML nodes Other changes ------------- The default Java version when using `daemon2 compatible packages `_ has been changed to Java 9. This affects all assignments that are configured using the ``config_java.xml`` configuration file. Use ``config_java8.xml`` to target Java 8.