.. _review: Viewing results =============== Results overview ---------------- To view the results of the processing of an assignment, click on the assignment in the assignments list. This will open the assignment result summary: .. image:: assignment.png :align: center Each row in this list is the result of the Momotor processing of the latest submission attempt of the students. Only students that have submitted files for the selected assignment will be shown. The first two columns indicate the student. The third column shows the number of attempts the student has made for this assignment. The fourth column shows the date and time of the latest submission attempt. The fifth column shows the time of the latest processing of the submission. The sixth column shows the score as produced by the recipe. The last two columns show the current state of the submission and the score, this consists of a state label and, if relevant, more information about that state. ======================================= =============================================================================================== Label Meaning ======================================= =============================================================================================== :guilabel:`Postponed` The processing for this assignment has been :ref:`paused `. When processing is resumed this submission will be added to the queue. :guilabel:`Queued` The submission is queued for processing. Processing should commence soon. :guilabel:`Processing` The submission is currently being processed by Momotor. :fa:`check` :guilabel:`Passed` The submission *passed* the tests. :fa:`times` :guilabel:`Failed` The submission *failed* the tests. :fa:`bug` :guilabel:`Processing error` There was an *error* while processing the submission. This state is only shown to reviewers as it indicates an error with the configuration, not the submission. Students will see a :guilabel:`Postponed` state instead. The error in the configuration should be resolved in order for students to get proper feedback. ======================================= =============================================================================================== The labels in the column headers can be clicked to sort the list on the contents of that column. When result states change or when new submissions are received, this list will update automatically. The :ref:`configure columns ` option in the management menu can be used to configure which columns are displayed. The drop-down in the navigation bar on the top of the page can be used to quickly switch to another assignment or return to the main page. Toolbar ~~~~~~~ The toolbar provides an informational widget, filtering options and management menu. The :fa:`search` :guilabel:`Find student` field can be used to search for a student in the results. The :guilabel:`results` summary widget indicates the total number of results in the current view. Use the mouse to hover over the widget to get a count of submissions in various states: .. image:: summary.png :align: center The :guilabel:`Showing...` drop-down can be used to filter the results shown to a single Canvas section. The :fa:`bars` button opens a menu with several management actions: .. image:: manage-menu.png :align: center Some of the management actions are only available to teachers. .. _configure_columns: The :fa:`table` :guilabel:`Configure Columns` option allows you to select which columns are shown in the results overview to hide columns that are not relevant to you. .. _assignment_refresh: The :fa:`repeat` :guilabel:`Refresh from Canvas` option can be used to trigger an update of the assignment in Momotor. This is useful for situations where the assignment was recently modified in Canvas (eg. a deadline was changed). It's usually not necessary to use the refresh button, Momotor will pick up changes to an assignment eventually. The :fa:`cloud-upload` :guilabel:`Upload scores to Canvas` and :fa:`file` :guilabel:`Export` options are described in the :ref:`export` section. The :fa:`pencil` :guilabel:`Configure assignment` option opens the :ref:`assignment configuration view.` .. _detail_view: Result details -------------- To view individual student’s result details, click a result row. This will open the result details view: .. image:: details.png The exact content and meaning of the details depends on the recipe. By default the most recent submission attempt is shown, but by using the attempts drop-down in the navigation bar on the top of the page earlier attempts can be selected. Only attempts that were processed by Momotor are shown. The other drop-downs in the navigation bar can be used to quickly switch between assignments and users. Clicking the :fa:`external-link` icon behind a student's name or ID opens the student's information directly in Canvas, clicking the :fa:`external-link` icon behind the submission attempt number and date opens a pop-up window with the submission files. If it doesn't show, your browser may be blocking pop-up windows. The :fa:`bars` button opens a menu with two actions. The :fa:`print` :guilabel:`Print` action opens a static view of the current result details for printing. The :fa:`file` :guilabel:`Export as PDF` generates a :abbr:`PDF (Portable Document Format)` file of the results. The PDF export option works similar to the :ref:`PDF export ` option as described the :ref:`export` section, but for a single result. The output of the individual steps can be viewed by clicking the step label: .. image:: step-results.png To return to the summary page click the label between the assignment and user containing the section name in the the navigation bar on the top of the page, or use the browser’s back button. .. _student_view: Student view ------------ For published assignments, students see views similar to the teacher’s views as described above, but only for their own submissions and - in case of an assignment with group submissions - the submissions for the group they are member of. The main view contains a list of assignments they submitted for and the summary and score columns. The detail view is mostly identical to the detail view of teachers, but (depending on the recipe setup) might hide some information that is labelled as secret, and only the most recent attempt is shown.